Words of Insight



Perception gives one the power to interpret. All interpret according to the perception they use to declare the word of God. If the perception is not right, then the decreeing of the word from God is incorrect. Correct perception will always bear the fruit of God’s interpretation of His Will. Otherwise, we will prophesy or declare and do what we believe is the Will of God in vain.

Romans 12:2

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Equipping Individuals With Wisdom and the Power and authority to enforce the decrees of God. The rock Jesus built the church on, was the power of the correct perception of who He was and remains. This perception comes from the Father alone, as He is the only one who chooses whom to reveal Himself to. Many long to see what Peter saw and did not see it. Perception is what God refers to as sight or what a person can see.  Though they have eyes they cannot see, which means though they have physical eyes and can see with their natural eyes, they cannot perceive what God Himself can only reveal. If you cannot see or perceive correctly, you will only know God through hearsay and by what others have called Him, or how they refer or treat Him.  Perception is a way of regarding, understanding, or interpreting something; a mental impression. A mental impression is something that is engraved into our minds or how we picture Him. It is the reason there are so many churches because each has a certain perception of Him. People build a concept of His Image and that concept is what they follow. Perception in part is the comprehension of who He is. That comprehension gives a person an understanding. Without the Wisdom of God and the clarification of the difference between His wisdom and Satan’s wisdom, no renewal can take place, only a recurring theme of what God has been created to be in our minds. However, we are to renew our minds and be transformed by doing so. To renew means to start again or make your thoughts new concerning your perception of Him. The word ‘perception’ comes from the Latin word percepio, meaning “receiving, collecting, action of taking possession, apprehension with the mind or senses” Therefore if we are to possess the kingdom of God, we are to apprehend the comprehension of His Wisdom. This cannot be done without comparing God’s wisdom with Satan’s. When we do and we have a clear picture of the Will of God coming from correct perception, we will begin to understand where the pure speech God is looking for is coming from.

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