
There are two types of wisdom. One belonging to Satan and the other to God. Each type of wisdom comes from a source. One is Satan the other is from God. Each one has understanding of that wisdom, one is from God and the other is from Satan. Prophecy is always accompanied with understanding of both types of Wisdom. The understanding of these two wisdoms is what constitutes the terms ‘mysteries.’ As in if I can fathom all mysteries and have not love, then I have nothing. The Wisdom that comes from God is called ‘pure speech.’ This speech is not polluted nor does it bring distortion to the gospel, but the type of speech that leads you to know your Father in heaven. It is not for a priviledged few, but is offered to anyone who has a pure heart who is willing to know of this wisdom that comes from. God. This wisdom is the image of God and to seek it is the beginning of it. The two wisdoms represent two kingdoms. Satan’s kingdom or wisdom rises up in rebellion to the authority of God. Satan’s kingdom and those who listen to him or believe in his wisdom are actually believing in a distorted gospel. Satan’s wisdom rises up and accuses God of being a liar. His wisdom lies about God and God’s wisdom. When he lies about God, he uses man’s sinful desires to promote his brand of wisdom which really is the expanding of his kingdom. This has always been the battle since the beginning of angelic and human existence. Wisdom Shifters teaches the reason why you should eagerly persue to prophesy. To prophecy is not what you have witnessed in most churches. True prophets will correct the wisdom from Satan that you are believing so that you can have a good end. Just as Peter needed to be corrected, it is done so that you can prophesy correctly. Testing is important, because without it if you are following Satan’s wisdom unknowingly, you will die contrary to what Satan tells his servants. Since wisdom is one half of prophecy, the source of the wisdom in paramount, otherwise you will be led to believe a lie. God does not want you to believe lies about Himself. He wants you to know the Truth and when you know the Truth, the Truth will set you free; Jesus Himself will set you free from sinning against the Word from God. When Jesus said “I place before you life and death and to choose life, He in fact was giving us the choice to choose which wisdom we are to follow. Scripture also dictates that we are to be wise and compare each type of wisdom in what is being taught to us. If we don’t compare the two wisdoms, we have no understanding and if we have no understanding, then we cannot interpret what the Holy Spirit wants us to know in regards of which way to go. Prophecy is not about speech, even though to speak it we need speech. But unless we understand the Wisdom that comes from God and can compare it with the wisdom that comes from Satan, we cannot throw Satan out of God’s kingdom and we end up agreeing with all the accusations he makes about the things of God. While Satan lies about God, God tells the truth. Now you know why when God said that Satan is the father of lies, it is because he is the beginning of the lies about God. He started them and then continued them. What does he lie about? Simply he lies about what God has said and what his intentions are. For example, scripture said “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.” Satan would take this verse and say “The Word was with God in the beginning of time.” However the verse says IN the beginning.  God’s Wisdom says that the Word was With God and was God and this God was “in” the Beginning or resided in the heart of God or existed within Him.”  Now you have a hint of why Jesus said “Believe in Me.” He said it so that you will make the distinction. If you cannot make the distinction, then you cannot be sure of who you are truly worshipping.

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