Words of Insight

Order of Chaos

This entry is part 3 of 5 in the series Insights

Peace comes when the authority of chaos is destroyed. Shalom. is the authority over chaos. isaiah 51 is the chaos dragon. To rule over chaos, order must be restored first and then those purified orders repeated back to God and then to man. A word that describes authority or control over chaos is “order.” When someone or something has authority over chaos, it means they can bring order and organization to a chaotic situation or system. Other related words or phrases include:

Control: The ability to manage and direct chaotic elements or situations.

Command: Exercising authority and giving orders to bring order to chaos.

Organization: The process of structuring and arranging elements to eliminate chaos and create a system.

Regulation: The act of establishing rules and controls to maintain order in a chaotic environment.

Management: The skill of overseeing and handling chaotic situations efficiently.

Discipline: The practice of enforcing rules and order to prevent chaos.

Governance: The act of governing or controlling a system to prevent it from descending into chaos.


These words and concepts all describe the ability to impose order and authority over chaotic circumstances or systems.

Conflict: Interpersonal conflicts, disputes, and disagreements can lead to disorder, especially when they disrupt harmony and cooperation within groups or relationships. Authority refers to the power, right, or influence that an individual, organization, or governing body possesses to make decisions, enforce rules, and command obedience or respect from others. It is the legitimate ability to control, direct, or lead, often based on recognized expertise, official position, or established laws and regulations.


In summary, authority is the rightful or legally sanctioned ability to exercise control, make decisions, and enforce rules, often associated with a position of leadership, expertise, or established governance. Even demons submit to your name-Luke 10:17 The seventy returned with joy, saying, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name.” To “come in someone’s name” typically means to act, represent, or speak on behalf of someone else, often with their authorization or endorsement. It implies that you are carrying out a task, delivering a message, or taking action with the authority or approval of the person whose name you are associated with. For example, if someone says, “I come in the name of the President,” it means that they are acting or speaking on behalf of the President, representing their authority or intentions in a particular matter.


This phrase can be used in various contexts, such as in diplomacy, official statements, or legal matters, to indicate that the actions or words are done with the backing or authorization of a specific individual or entity. We ought to be careful of who is speaking to us without testing their spirits (their inner motives) first.1  When we say we welcome someone who is claiming that they are coming in the name of the Lord, they are saying that they are coming to you on behalf of Christ, as His representative, giving a message from whom they claim is the God of Abraham. If they are sent as a test from God to check if you really love Him, if you don’t check you are actually agreeing that whatever they say is valid and from God, because you have nothing to measure it against. And if there is no correction and a purposeful decision to reject what they are saying, then you have made a contract by agreeing with demonic doctrine.

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